Though comparatively small in land area Sri Lanka is inhabited by a variety of excellent websites. You are the consumers, benefiters of this priceless heritage of web resources. So we are the presenters too. It's our responsibility to rearrange and categorize these web sites for the explorers of web space.
But Sri Lanka Portal properties have changed from the time we assumed a dominant role in Blogosphere (at Blogger, Google), since the advancement of modern technology made man master of the technology itself. Now the QUICK and INFORMATIVE have become the pass words for the shimmering spell binder called WEB DEVELOPMENT. In order to achieve this modern technology Sri Lanka Portal has to use our new found abilities to plunder and devastate in a nick of the time, years of natural (web development) existence Endless weeding off of spam sites, haphazard patch work of Slogs (spam blogs), unscrupulous consumption of toxic JavaScript result in the deterioration of the habitats of these innocent web sites.
BBC News - Sri Lanka country profile
"Lying off the southern tip of India, the tropical island of Sri Lanka has beguiled travelers for centuries with its palm-fringed beaches, diverse landscapes and historical monuments." - BBC

BBC offers valuable information regarding Sri Lanka in a section called "A guide to South Asia". You can find information on many other countries apart from Sri Lanka. You will also be able to choose a country and find a territory for further information. Compiled by BBC monitoring section offers you Sri Lankan information regarding current affairs of Sri Lanka. Read more on 'After the tigers', 'Leaderless opposition', 'president triumphant', 'Anxiety in Jaffna', and more.
In background section you can find various profiles of Sri Lanka. Read about Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gen Sarath Fonseka and more. There is a Q&A sections regarding various aspects of Sri Lanka. Read more on Truth, bias and the BBC. Watch videos of Sri Lanka. BBC also lists related BBC links BBC Sinhala, BBC Tamil, etc. In related internet links section find out links to Sri Lanka recommended by BBC.
* Full name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
* Population: 20.4 million (UN, 2010)
* Capital: Colombo (commercial), Sri Jayewardenepura (administrative)
* Largest city: Colombo
* Area: 65,610 sq km (25,332 sq miles)
* Major languages: Sinhala, Tamil, English
* Major religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity
* Life expectancy: 71 years (men), 79 years (women) (UN)
* Monetary unit: Sri Lankan rupee
* Main exports: Clothing and textiles, tea, gems, rubber, coconuts
* GNI per capita: US $1,990 (World Bank, 2009)
* Internet domain: .lk
* International dialing code: +94
Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Find almost all the information about Sri Lanka at Wikipedia.
"The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (commonly known as Sri Lanka) is a country off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent. An island nation in South Asia, it was until 1972 known as Ceylon. Sri Lanka is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Strait and lies in the vicinity of India and Maldives.
Sri Lanka is a republic and a unitary state which is governed by a semi-presidential system with its official seat of government in Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte, the capital."

Below is the result of copy and paste of the content section of the entire article. Sri Lanka Portal's aim is to provide you with the information you want. Go directly to the site from the above link. No necessity to reproduce the same content here.
*geography and climate
* 3 Flora and fauna
* 4 History
o 4.1 Pre-historic
o 4.2 Ancient Sri Lanka
o 4.3 Colonial era
o 4.4 Independence
o 4.5 Civil war
o 4.6 Post War
* 5 Government and politics
* 6 Foreign relations and military
o 6.1 foreign relations
o 6.2 Military
o 6.3 Peace keeping
* 7 Economy
* 8 Administrative divisions
o 8.1 Provinces
o 8.2 Districts
o 8.3 Cities
* 9 Demographics
o 9.1 Language
o 9.2 Religions
o 9.3 Health
* 10 Education
* 11 Transport
* 12 Human rights
* 13 Culture and arts
o 13.1 Traditional food
o 13.2 Festivals
o 13.3 Cinema
o 13.4 Music
* 14 Media
* 15 Sri Lankan Literature
* 16 Sports
* 17 See also
* 18 References
* 19 further reading
* 20 External links
Sri Lanka Travel Guide - Wikitravel
"Sri Lanka has more than 2,500 years of continuous written history by means of the Mahawansa, and was also mentioned in several ancient Indian texts. One of the most famous is the Ramayana, in which the island, which was referred to as Lanka, was the island fortress of the evil king Ravana, who captured the wife of Rama an incarnation of the Hindu God, Vishnu. Legend has it that Hanuman the monkey flew over to Lanka and destroyed the capital by setting it on fire, while Rama and his remaining troops later crossed over from the mainland by building a land bridge across the sea. "

Below is the result of copy and paste of the content section of the entire article. Sri Lanka Portal's aim is to provide you with the information you want. Go directly to the site from the above link. No necessity to reproduce the same content here.
* [-] Understand
o History
o Climate
o Terrain
* Talk
* Regions
* Cities
* [-] Other destinations
o Get in
o Visa rules
o By plane
o From Canada/USA
o [-] By ship
+ Cruise Ship
* [-] Get around
o Three-wheeler
o By car
o Tour operators
o Taxi companies
o By bus
o By train
o By plane
* See
* Do
* [-] Buy
o Credit cards and ATMs
* Eat
* Drink
* Sleep
* Learn
* Stay safe
* Stay healthy
* Respect
* [-] Contact
o Phone
o Mobile
o Embassies, high commissions and consulates
Open Directory - Regional: Asia: Sri Lanka
The Open Directory Project (ODP), also known as Dmoz (from, its original domain name), is a multilingual open content directory of World Wide Web links. It is owned by Netscape but it is constructed and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.

ODP uses a hierarchical ontology scheme for organizing site listings. Listings on a similar topic are grouped into categories which can then include smaller categories.
Atlas of Sri Lanka - Wikimedia Commons
The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons

Below is the result of copy and paste of the content section of the entire article. Sri Lanka Portal's aim is to provide you with the information you want. Go directly to the site from the above link. No necessity to reproduce the same content here.
* 1 General maps
* 2 History maps
* 3 Old maps
* 4 Ethno-linguistic maps
* 5 Other maps
* 6 Satellite maps
* 7 Notes and references
* 8 Entries available in the atlas
CIA - The World Factbook - Sri Lanka
Read an introduction to Sri Lanka "The first Sinhalese arrived in Sri Lanka late in the 6th century B.C. probably from northern India. Buddhism was introduced in about the mid-third century B.C., and a great civilization developed at the cities of Anuradhapura (kingdom from circa 200 B.C. to circa A.D. 1000) and Polonnaruwa (from about 1070 to 1200). In the 14th century, a south Indian dynasty established a Tamil kingdom in northern Sri Lanka." Read on
Transnational Issues of Sri Lanka and more...

But Sri Lanka Portal properties have changed from the time we assumed a dominant role in Blogosphere (at Blogger, Google), since the advancement of modern technology made man master of the technology itself. Now the QUICK and INFORMATIVE have become the pass words for the shimmering spell binder called WEB DEVELOPMENT. In order to achieve this modern technology Sri Lanka Portal has to use our new found abilities to plunder and devastate in a nick of the time, years of natural (web development) existence Endless weeding off of spam sites, haphazard patch work of Slogs (spam blogs), unscrupulous consumption of toxic JavaScript result in the deterioration of the habitats of these innocent web sites.
BBC News - Sri Lanka country profile
"Lying off the southern tip of India, the tropical island of Sri Lanka has beguiled travelers for centuries with its palm-fringed beaches, diverse landscapes and historical monuments." - BBC

BBC offers valuable information regarding Sri Lanka in a section called "A guide to South Asia". You can find information on many other countries apart from Sri Lanka. You will also be able to choose a country and find a territory for further information. Compiled by BBC monitoring section offers you Sri Lankan information regarding current affairs of Sri Lanka. Read more on 'After the tigers', 'Leaderless opposition', 'president triumphant', 'Anxiety in Jaffna', and more.
In background section you can find various profiles of Sri Lanka. Read about Mahinda Rajapaksha, Gen Sarath Fonseka and more. There is a Q&A sections regarding various aspects of Sri Lanka. Read more on Truth, bias and the BBC. Watch videos of Sri Lanka. BBC also lists related BBC links BBC Sinhala, BBC Tamil, etc. In related internet links section find out links to Sri Lanka recommended by BBC.
* Full name: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
* Population: 20.4 million (UN, 2010)
* Capital: Colombo (commercial), Sri Jayewardenepura (administrative)
* Largest city: Colombo
* Area: 65,610 sq km (25,332 sq miles)
* Major languages: Sinhala, Tamil, English
* Major religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity
* Life expectancy: 71 years (men), 79 years (women) (UN)
* Monetary unit: Sri Lankan rupee
* Main exports: Clothing and textiles, tea, gems, rubber, coconuts
* GNI per capita: US $1,990 (World Bank, 2009)
* Internet domain: .lk
* International dialing code: +94
Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Find almost all the information about Sri Lanka at Wikipedia.
"The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (commonly known as Sri Lanka) is a country off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent. An island nation in South Asia, it was until 1972 known as Ceylon. Sri Lanka is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Strait and lies in the vicinity of India and Maldives.
Sri Lanka is a republic and a unitary state which is governed by a semi-presidential system with its official seat of government in Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte, the capital."

Below is the result of copy and paste of the content section of the entire article. Sri Lanka Portal's aim is to provide you with the information you want. Go directly to the site from the above link. No necessity to reproduce the same content here.
*geography and climate
* 3 Flora and fauna
* 4 History
o 4.1 Pre-historic
o 4.2 Ancient Sri Lanka
o 4.3 Colonial era
o 4.4 Independence
o 4.5 Civil war
o 4.6 Post War
* 5 Government and politics
* 6 Foreign relations and military
o 6.1 foreign relations
o 6.2 Military
o 6.3 Peace keeping
* 7 Economy
* 8 Administrative divisions
o 8.1 Provinces
o 8.2 Districts
o 8.3 Cities
* 9 Demographics
o 9.1 Language
o 9.2 Religions
o 9.3 Health
* 10 Education
* 11 Transport
* 12 Human rights
* 13 Culture and arts
o 13.1 Traditional food
o 13.2 Festivals
o 13.3 Cinema
o 13.4 Music
* 14 Media
* 15 Sri Lankan Literature
* 16 Sports
* 17 See also
* 18 References
* 19 further reading
* 20 External links
Sri Lanka Travel Guide - Wikitravel
"Sri Lanka has more than 2,500 years of continuous written history by means of the Mahawansa, and was also mentioned in several ancient Indian texts. One of the most famous is the Ramayana, in which the island, which was referred to as Lanka, was the island fortress of the evil king Ravana, who captured the wife of Rama an incarnation of the Hindu God, Vishnu. Legend has it that Hanuman the monkey flew over to Lanka and destroyed the capital by setting it on fire, while Rama and his remaining troops later crossed over from the mainland by building a land bridge across the sea. "

Below is the result of copy and paste of the content section of the entire article. Sri Lanka Portal's aim is to provide you with the information you want. Go directly to the site from the above link. No necessity to reproduce the same content here.
* [-] Understand
o History
o Climate
o Terrain
* Talk
* Regions
* Cities
* [-] Other destinations
o Get in
o Visa rules
o By plane
o From Canada/USA
o [-] By ship
+ Cruise Ship
* [-] Get around
o Three-wheeler
o By car
o Tour operators
o Taxi companies
o By bus
o By train
o By plane
* See
* Do
* [-] Buy
o Credit cards and ATMs
* Eat
* Drink
* Sleep
* Learn
* Stay safe
* Stay healthy
* Respect
* [-] Contact
o Phone
o Mobile
o Embassies, high commissions and consulates
Open Directory - Regional: Asia: Sri Lanka
The Open Directory Project (ODP), also known as Dmoz (from, its original domain name), is a multilingual open content directory of World Wide Web links. It is owned by Netscape but it is constructed and maintained by a community of volunteer editors.

ODP uses a hierarchical ontology scheme for organizing site listings. Listings on a similar topic are grouped into categories which can then include smaller categories.
Atlas of Sri Lanka - Wikimedia Commons
The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons

Below is the result of copy and paste of the content section of the entire article. Sri Lanka Portal's aim is to provide you with the information you want. Go directly to the site from the above link. No necessity to reproduce the same content here.
* 1 General maps
* 2 History maps
* 3 Old maps
* 4 Ethno-linguistic maps
* 5 Other maps
* 6 Satellite maps
* 7 Notes and references
* 8 Entries available in the atlas
CIA - The World Factbook - Sri Lanka
Read an introduction to Sri Lanka "The first Sinhalese arrived in Sri Lanka late in the 6th century B.C. probably from northern India. Buddhism was introduced in about the mid-third century B.C., and a great civilization developed at the cities of Anuradhapura (kingdom from circa 200 B.C. to circa A.D. 1000) and Polonnaruwa (from about 1070 to 1200). In the 14th century, a south Indian dynasty established a Tamil kingdom in northern Sri Lanka." Read on
Transnational Issues of Sri Lanka and more...