Why publish your site in this portal of Sri Lankan web space. Well to say that we are well experienced in communicating the message of newer and insightful Sri Lankan websites to the newer audiences locally and internationally would be to state the obvious. Our audience is huge - but unlike other Sri Lankan web portals we still retains our close connection with the international visitors/customers who surrounds us.

"Aside from heavy informative content, people are also attracted to sri-lanka-portal.blogspot.com's speed, theme and especially philosophy (Minimalistic Web Design)"
Our advisor at Sri Lanka Portal has this to say "the success of the web portal depends on the attraction of its pages"
How right he is. But attraction is to be understood carefully.
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"Aside from heavy informative content, people are also attracted to sri-lanka-portal.blogspot.com's speed, theme and especially philosophy (Minimalistic Web Design)"
Our advisor at Sri Lanka Portal has this to say "the success of the web portal depends on the attraction of its pages"
How right he is. But attraction is to be understood carefully.
Welcome to Minimalistic Information Serving
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Submit a new article about Sri Lanka. Your name will be published with the article (with your link)
You will be listed as a contributor
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